In case you are NOT using one of the predefined
microclimatic loggers listed in r
, you can create a
user-defined myClim class using mc_data_formats.
By doing this, you teach myClim how to parse your files into a
myClim object.
Example files are available on GitHub.
HOBO MX2301A bluetooth-enabled series
collected using the HOBOconnect software
# Load the 'myClim' library
# Create a list to define a custom data format for 'myHOBO'
user_data_formats <- list(myHOBO=new("mc_DataFormat"))
# Set various properties for the 'myHOBO' data format
user_data_formats$myHOBO@skip <- 1 # Skip the first row
user_data_formats$myHOBO@separator <- "," # Define the separator as a comma
user_data_formats$myHOBO@date_column <- 2 # Specify the column containing dates
user_data_formats$myHOBO@date_format <- "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S" # Define the date format
user_data_formats$myHOBO@tz_offset <- 2 * 60 # Set the time zone offset in minutes
user_data_formats$myHOBO@columns[[mc_const_SENSOR_T_C]] <- 3 # Map temperature to column 3
user_data_formats$myHOBO@columns[[mc_const_SENSOR_RH]] <- 4 # Map humidity to column 4
# Read data from a CSV file using the 'myHOBO' format, without cleaning
my_data <- mc_read_files("./21498648.csv", "myHOBO", clean=FALSE,
# Clean data in myClim object
#> 1 loggers
#> datetime range: 2022-10-21 11:30:00 - 2022-10-22 13:00:00
#> detected steps: (1800s = 30min)
#> locality_id serial_number logger_name start_date end_date
#> 1 21498648 21498648 Logger_1 2022-10-21 11:30:00 2022-10-22 13:00:00
#> step_seconds count_duplicities count_missing count_disordered rounded
#> 1 1800 5 0 0 TRUE
# Plot the cleaned data with a scale coefficient of 0.1
mc_plot_line(my_data_clean,scale_coeff = 0.1)
ElectricBlue EnvLogger TH2.5
collected using the EnvLogger Viewer App
# Load the 'myClim' library
# Create a list to define a custom data format for 'my_EnvLogger'
user_data_formats <- list(my_EnvLogger=new("mc_DataFormat"))
# Set properties for the data format
user_data_formats$my_EnvLogger@skip <- 23 # Skip the first 23 rows
user_data_formats$my_EnvLogger@separator <- "," # Define the separator as a comma
user_data_formats$my_EnvLogger@date_column <- 1 # Specify the column containing dates
user_data_formats$my_EnvLogger@date_format <- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" # Define the date format
user_data_formats$my_EnvLogger@tz_offset <- 0 # Set the time zone offset to 0 (UTC)
user_data_formats$my_EnvLogger@columns[[mc_const_SENSOR_T_C]] <- 2 # Map temperature to column 2
user_data_formats$my_EnvLogger@columns[[mc_const_SENSOR_RH]] <- 3 # Map humidity to column 3
# Read data from a CSV file using the 'my_EnvLogger' format, without cleaning
my_data <- mc_read_files("./envloggerexample.csv", "my_EnvLogger", clean=FALSE,
# Clean data in myClim object
#> 1 loggers
#> datetime range: 2023-06-24 14:30:00 - 2023-09-03 11:00:00
#> detected steps: (1800s = 30min)
#> locality_id serial_number logger_name start_date
#> 1 envloggerexample envloggerexample Logger_1 2023-06-24 14:30:00
#> end_date step_seconds count_duplicities count_missing
#> 1 2023-09-03 11:00:00 1800 0 0
#> count_disordered rounded
#> 1 0 FALSE
# Plot the cleaned data with a scale coefficient of 0.1
mc_plot_line(my_data_clean,scale_coeff = 0.4)
artificial example
logger with soil moisture sensor and 3 temperature
# Define a vector of file names
files <- c("TMS94184102.csv", "TMS94184102_CET.csv")
# Create a list to define a custom data format for 'my_logger'
user_data_formats <- list(my_logger=new("mc_DataFormat"))
user_data_formats$my_logger@date_column <- 2 # Specify the column containing dates
user_data_formats$my_logger@tz_offset <- 0 # Set the time zone offset to 0 (UTC)
user_data_formats$my_logger@columns[[mc_const_SENSOR_T_C]] <- c(3, 4, 5) # Map multiple temperature columns
user_data_formats$my_logger@columns[[mc_const_SENSOR_real]] <- 6 # Map real sensor data to column 6
# Read data from the specified files using the 'my_logger' format, with data cleaning, silently (no console output)
my_data <- mc_read_files(files, "my_logger", silent=TRUE, user_data_formats=user_data_formats)
# Plot the data with a scale coefficient of 0.01
mc_plot_line(my_data,scale_coeff = 0.01)
Rename sensors if necessary
# Existing names
#> [1] "T_C1" "T_C2" "T_C3" "real"
# Define the new names
my_data <- mc_prep_meta_sensor(my_data,
list(real = "soil moisture",
T_C1 = "soil T",
T_C2 = "ground T",
T_C3 = "air T"),
# Check the new names
#> [1] "air T" "ground T" "soil T" "soil moisture"
# Plot the data with a scale coefficient of 0.01
p <- mc_plot_line(my_data,scale_coeff = 0.01)
# Modify default colors.
p <- p+ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=c("hotpink",
#> Scale for colour is already present.
#> Adding another scale for colour, which will replace the existing scale.